Get @5 to realize that @2 behavior is ' too disruptive and/or dangerous to be tolerated.' ' Children have to see that you really mean what ' you say. They will push you to the limits of ' your tolerance if you permit them to. This is ' natural and potentially positive, but it can ' also be dangerous. You must take action to ' short-circuit the behavior before you are pushed' to the brink. ' ' STOPPING UNDESIRABLE BEHAVIOR ' ' Part of being a human is wanting to control ' things unless it is in your best interests to ' let others have control. You gain this sense ' when others make things too unpleasant for you. ' ' Ask yourself: ' * What do I find annoying, wrong, disruptive ' dangerous about @2 behavior? ' * How can I recognize as early as possible ' that it is getting to me? ' * How can I start to make things unpleasant ' for @1 at that point without hurting @1 ? ' * How can I thank @5 for stopping? ' ' ' '